Togg On Siparis Haberleri

Gelecek Öngörüleri Neden Olumlu Olmaz?

Son on yıla baktığımızda insanoğlunun her yıl artarak geleceğe dair felaket senaryolarına olan inancının pekiştiğini görüyoruz. Artık geleceğe dair dünyanın daha yaşanılabilir olacağına, teknoloji sayesinde daha iyi yarınlara gideceğimize dair inancımız eskiye nazaran daha az.

Trend 2015-09-22 15:55:32

Taksicilerin Korkulu Rüyası Yakalandı

İstanbul’da on taksiciyi gasp ettiği ve bir de vatandaşı kapkaç yaptığı iddia edilen 17 yaşındaki...

Yurthaber 2015-09-22 15:44:59

Gezi Victim’S Brother On Hdp Candidate List For Nov 1 Polls

- Mustafa Sarısülük, the brother of Ethem Sarısülük, who died during the Gezi Park protests in 2013 when a police

Yurthaber 2015-09-22 11:12:01

Leading Boss Warns Of Potential Loss In Turkey’S Employment

- If Turkey’s economy turns in on itself, employment in the country will decrease, according to former head of the

Yurthaber 2015-09-22 08:44:01

Turkish President Set To Attend Anti-Terror Rally In France

- Turkish President Tayyip Erdoğan is scheduled to go to Strasbourg on Oct. 4 to attend a rally to protest recent

Yurthaber 22-09-15 08:42

685. hafta On Numara sonuçları noter huzurunda belirlendi

Merakla beklenen On Numara sonuçları noter huzurunda gerçekleştirilen çekilişin ardından belli oldu. 685. hafta On Numara sonuçlarına göre kazandıran numaraları 6 talihli doğru tahmin etti.

Haber 22-09-15 08:11

On numara sonuçları (21.09.2015)

On Numara oyununun bu haftaki çekilişi gerçekleşti.

Haber 21-09-15 22:39

Yurt Dışında Asla Yapmamanız Gereken 12 Şey

Yurt dışına ister gezmeye gidin ister arkadaş ziyaretine, dayak yemek istemiyorsanız bu yazdığımız on iki şeyi asla yapmayın!

Trend 21-09-15 17:13

Yurt Dışında Asla Yapmamanız Gereken 12 Şey

Yurt dışına ister gezmeye gidin ister arkadaş ziyaretine, dayak yemek istemiyorsanız bu yazdığımız on iki şeyi asla yapmayın!

Trend 21-09-15 17:13

Turkish President Set To Attend Anti-Terror Rally In France

- Turkish President Tayyip Erdoğan is scheduled to go to Strasbourg on Oct. 4 to attend a rally to protest

Yurthaber 21-09-15 15:41

Hundreds Of Women Cycle To Support Green Transportation

- Hundreds of women have taken to the streets on bicycles in multiple events in western and southern Turkey to

Yurthaber 21-09-15 15:33

“en İyi 10 Kısa Film” Jüri Önünde

Antalya Sinema Derneği son on yılda Türkiye’deki önemli festivallerden birincilik ödülü almış kısa filmleri jüri...

Yurthaber 21-09-15 15:04

Türk İslam Ülkücüleri Ülkücülüğü Anlattı

Ülkücü hareket içerisinden on iki aydınla yapılan söyleşilerden oluşan Yeni Nesil Ülkücüler kitabı okuyucuyla buluştu....

Yurthaber 21-09-15 13:22

(Video) Drivers On Istanbul’S Highway Volunteer To Transport Migrants To Greek Border Gate

- Inhabitants driving on the TEM highway have helped migrants resuming their march towards the Edirne border gate, seeking to

Yurthaber 21-09-15 12:45

Turkish Pm To Send Letters To World Leaders On Behalf Of Syrian Refugees

- Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu has said he will make a call to raise attention to the plight of Syrian

Yurthaber 21-09-15 12:30

Export Prices On The Rise After A Decline

– Exportation prices showed a recent uptrend in August after a fall in July, according to data released by Turkstat.  Non-domestic

Yurthaber 21-09-15 12:28

abluka Wins Big At Golden Boll

- The 22nd Golden Boll Film Festival, organized in the southern Turkish province of Adana, ended on Sept. 19. The

Yurthaber 21-09-15 12:23

Turkey's President, Masses Condemn Terrorist Attacks

- Thousands of people protested recent terrorism incidents, with Turkish prime minister calling on people to vote for his party and

Yurthaber 21-09-15 11:39

Dha Englısh / Analysıs - Debt Burden On Turkey’S Industry Becoming Heavier

- Turkey’s economy has experienced serious financial fluctuations since the second half of 2013. These troubles continued and increased in

Yurthaber 21-09-15 11:34

Turkish Official ‘Barks’ After Tweet By Fake Ankara Mayor

- A tweet by a parody account of the mayor of Ankara, who is known for frequently quarreling on social

Yurthaber 21-09-15 10:23

İstanbul'da terör protesto edildi

İstanbul’da terör olaylarını protesto etmek için düzenlenen mitinge on binlerce kişi katıldı.

Haber 20-09-15 18:57

Papa Gelecek Hafta Washington'da

Papa Françesko Küba ve Amerika’yı kapsayacak on günlük gezisine başladı.

Haber 20-09-15 00:50

Denizlispor-Göztepe Maçından Notlar

Ferah IŞIK / İZMİR, KADRODA REVİZYON GEÇEN hafta deplasmanda Adanaspor'a 2-1 yenilen Denizlispor'da Göztepe maçında kadroda revizyona gidildi. Teknik direktör Mehmet Altıparmak, Adana'da on

Yurthaber 18-09-15 20:04

Epilepsi Hastası Kadının Hayata Yine Umutla Bakmasını Sağlayan Minik Evcil Domuz Hamlet'le Tanışın

Günde sekiz-on adet epilepsi atağı geçirmeye başlayan kadına eşi minik bir evcil domuz alıyor ve epilepsi hastası kadın kendini umutsuz hissettiği sırada hayat bu domuzcuk sayesinde yine güzel gelmeye başlıyor.

Trend 18-09-15 18:38

Emergency Line, Task Force To Catch “Rebel Sacrificials” On Streets

– As the Muslim festival of sacrifice approaches, a special “task force” was formed to catch the “rebel sacrificials” fleeing,

Yurthaber 18-09-15 16:36

Simurg Sınava Değil, Hayata Hazırlayacak

Eyüp Belediyesi’nin çocuklara ve gençlere yönelik sosyal faaliyetlerinden biri olan On Yirmi Bilgi Evleri yeni...

Yurthaber 18-09-15 15:22

Dha Englısh / Intervıew: We’D Like To See More Media Freedom In Turkey, Says Us Spokesperson

-The U.S.-Turkish bilateral relationship will continue yet recent attacks on Turkey’s press have worried Washington, U.S. State spokesperson John Kirby

Yurthaber 18-09-15 13:23

Mhp Excludes Akşener, Türkeş On Candidate List, Türkeş Resigns

- The Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) of Turkey has not nominated Deputy Prime Minister Tuğrul Türkeş, who was expelled from

Yurthaber 18-09-15 13:13

Ankara: On binlerce kişi 'Teröre hayır, kardeşliğe evet' dedi

200’den fazla sivil toplum kuruluşu, Türkiye Odalar ve Borsalar Birliği (TOBB) öncülüğünde "Teröre hayır, kardeşliğe evet" sloganıyla Ankara’da bir araya geldi. Emniyet kaynaklarına göre yürüyüse 70-100 bin kişi katıldı.

Haber 17-09-15 23:15

“teröre Hayır Kardeşliğe Evet Mitingi

Ankara’da on binlerce kişinin katıldığı “Teröre Hayır, Kardeşliğe Evet“ mitingi sona erdi. Mitinge katılanlar adına...

Yurthaber 17-09-15 19:04

Moody’S: Possible Fed Rate Hike Shows Potential Volatility In Emerging Markets, Including Turkey

- A rise in the short-term interest rate target by the Federal Reserve (Fed) could occur late on Sept. 17,

Yurthaber 17-09-15 17:16

Military Unit Takes Over Control In West African Country

James Archibald / Cape Town, Sep 17 On Sep. 16, ruling President Michel Kafando was arrested along with Prime Minister

Yurthaber 17-09-15 15:43

Turkey’S Erdoğan, Germany’S Merkel Talk Refugees

- Turkish President Tayyip Erdoğan and German Chancellor Angela Merkel have exchanged views on the Syrian refugee crisis as European

Yurthaber 17-09-15 11:25

Erdoğan Urges Osce For Reports During Upcoming Turkish Elections

- In the run-up to the Nov. 1 snap elections, President Tayyip Erdoğan has called on the Organization for Security

Yurthaber 17-09-15 11:22

Euro Green Leaders Visit Daily Hürriyet In Solidarity After Attacks

- Two leading Green leaders visited daily Hürriyet on Sept. 16 to voice their support after physical attacks targeting the

Yurthaber 17-09-15 11:16

Scottish Paraglider Stuck On Tree In Turkey’S Fethiye

- In touristic Fethiye district in Aegean province of Muğla, a Scottish tourist paragliding in the region fell over a

Yurthaber 17-09-15 07:36

Villagers Block Road After Heavy Equipment Hit Halted Road Construction Area In Rize

- In Çamlıhemşin District of Rize, where the controversial “Green Road” project focusing on Samistal Pasture has been recently halted,

Yurthaber 17-09-15 07:36

U.s. Ambassador: Freedom Of Press, Expression Central Components Of Democratic Societies

– U.S. Ambassador to Turkey John Bass has held a visit to daily Hürriyet in Istanbul on Sep. 16, and

Yurthaber 16-09-15 19:47

Güler Sabancı Named Fourth-Most Powerful Woman In Emea Region

- Turkish businesswoman Güler Sabancı, the chairperson of Sabancı Holding, was ranked fourth on a recent list of the most

Yurthaber 16-09-15 17:14

Bir Türkiye Belgeseli: Survivor

Survivor bir yandan Acun Ilıcalı’nın son on yıldaki yükselişinin nişanesi, bir yandan da toplumumuzun değişimi hakkında açık bir laboratuvar.

Trend 16-09-15 14:02

Erdoğan Aims At Russia With Unveiled Criticism On Syria

- Turkish President Tayyip Erdoğan has leveled an unveiled criticism at Russia for its continued military assistance of Syrian President

Yurthaber 16-09-15 13:21

Oecd Lowers Global Economic Growth Forecast

- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) lowered its forecast on the global economic growth for this year and

Yurthaber 16-09-15 13:11

Standard&poor’S: Refugee Crisis Unlikely To Affect Sovereign Ratings

- International ratings company Standard & Poor’s released a report on the impact of surge of refugees in European Union

Yurthaber 16-09-15 11:47

Agriculturalists Association: Market Of Meat Depends On Manipulators

- Chairman of the Agriculturalists Association of Turkey (TZD) İbrahim Yetkin told the fact that meat prices could not drop

Yurthaber 16-09-15 10:29

Migrants Stay The Night At Istanbul Bus Station, As Bus Companies Refuse To Sell Ticket

- Migrants having started waiting at Istanbul’s largest bus station on Sep 15 after being refused by bus companies to

Yurthaber 16-09-15 09:53

Symphonic Gypsy Orchestra Comes To Turkey

- One of the world’s largest orchestras, the 100-person Budapest Gypsy Orchestra, will perform at Istanbul’s Ülker Sports Arena on

Yurthaber 16-09-15 09:29

National Press Bodies Condemn Attack On Daily Hürriyet

- A second attack on daily Hürriyet’s offices in Istanbul and Ankara on Sept. 8 has drawn reaction as national

Yurthaber 16-09-15 09:23

Meeting On Green Road Between Governor, Villagers Ends With Protest

- A meeting between the Black Sea province of Rize’s governor and villagers of the Çamlıhemşin district to discuss

Yurthaber 15-09-15 16:57

Turkish Fm To Pay Official Visit To Russia

- Foreign Minister Feridun Sinirlioğlu will pay an official visit to Sochi on Sept. 16-17 following a visit to Azerbaijan,

Yurthaber 15-09-15 16:53