Mynet Anasayfa

14 Isıl Members Caught Central And Southeastern Turkey

- In central Anatolian province of Konya, the police had detained eight suspects on charges of recruiting militants and providing

- In central Anatolian province of Konya, the police had detained eight suspects on charges of recruiting militants and providing logistic assistance to the ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant).

Five of those suspects who had been sent to the court were arrested, three of them were released under judicial control decision, on July 15.

One of the arrested suspects had been released after having given his testimony, upon the instruction of the chief public presucutor’s office.

Further operations regarding ISIL members crossing into Turkey were held in southeastern province of Gaziantep, announced by the Turkish General Staff with a statement on its official website.


The Turkish General Staff affirmed that four people attempting to join ISIL through Syria were caught; also two ISIL members were captured while seeking to cross into Turkey early in the morning, in province of Kilis along the Syria border.

“Legal investigations had been launced” has announced the Turkish General Staff .

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