Cyprus tries to sort out its finances

Cyprus's parliament has delayed a vote on a solution to sort out its money problems.

Cyprus's parliament has delayed a vote on a solution to sort out its money problems. The 10bn-euro ($13bn) payout agreed by the EU and IMF demands that all bank customers pay a one-off tax and this has led to large cash withdrawals.


Mark Lowen

Haberi dinlemek için tıklayın

After the furious public reaction to this bailout deal, the fight now turns to parliament. MPs will debate the new tax before it is voted upon later on today (Monday). And it's by no means certain to pass, with some coalition members set to rebel.


The President argued in a televised address last night that the deal was the only way to avoid bankruptcy. But in an attempt to soften the blow, he is now trying to reduce the levy on those with smaller deposits.

If the bill is rejected by MPs, today's bank holiday might be extended so as to avoid a run on the banks. And all the while, those in debt-stricken countries outside Cyprus are watching to see if this levy will set a precedent and whether they should fear for their savings too.

Sözcükleri dinlemek için tıklayın

furious çok öfkeli

bailout deal kefalet anlaşması, (burada) kurtarma anlaşması

set to rebel isyana hazırlanmak

a televised address televizyon konuşması

bankruptcy iflas

to soften the blow (bir şeyin) acısını hafifletmek

levy vergi, harç

smaller deposits küçük mevduatlar

a run on the banks bankaya hücum, mevduat sahiplerinin hesaplarını boşaltmak için bankalara yığılması


set a precedent emsal oluşturmak