Debate Over Kazlıçeşme Rallies Boils

- Two opposition parties have each said they will hold election rallies this weekend at Kazlıçeşme Square in Istanbul’s Zeytinburnu

- Two opposition parties have each said they will hold election rallies this weekend at Kazlıçeşme Square in Istanbul’s Zeytinburnu district, despite repeated rejections to use the area, which the Zeytinburnu District Election Board said was “unavailable for rallies.”

The controversy erupted as the Istanbul Governorate said on May 26 the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) would not be allowed to hold an election rally on May 30 at Kazlıçeşme Square, after the HDP had asked the governorate’s permission to hold a rally there.


Later on May 27, HDP co-chair Selahattin Demirtaş said on Twitter the dispute with the Istanbul Governorate over the party’s upcoming rally at Kazlıçeşme Square had been resolved and the rally would be held on May 30 at 3:00 p.m. as planned.

The HDP added their rally on May 30 would be an hour earlier to avoid a potential confrontation between HDP supporters and the attendees of the celebrations of Istanbul’s conquest anniversary the same day in the nearby district of Yenikapı.

President Tayyip Erdoğan and Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu are expected to attend the anniversary celebrations.

Demirtaş has accused the Istanbul Governor’s Office of risking provocation between AKP supporters and HDP supporters by arranging to hold the celebrations of the anniversary of Istanbul’s conquest on the same day as the planned HDP rally.

The Istanbul Governor’s Office on May 27, said in a written statement it was not authorized, according to Turkish election law, to allow or forbid any form of open-air rallies in the final 10 days before the elections, adding the authorization could only be issued by the District Election Boards.


The Zeytinburnu District Election Board, however, said later on May 27 that it had sent the HDP a written statement on May 20 about the party’s request to hold an election rally on May 30 at Kazlıçeşme Square.

“Kazlıçeşme Square has been excluded from ‘places available for rallies’ and no political party can hold an election rally there” the statement said.

The Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) had previously requested a formal permit to hold an election rally on May 31 at Yenikapı square and was rejected, as they were told the Istanbul conquest celebrations would be held a day earlier and they would not have enough time to prepare for the rally.

The MHP then put in another request to hold its rally at Kazlıçeşme Square. This request was also rejected, as the District Election Board said Kazlıçeşme Square was not available for rallies.

Despite this, the MHP has recently stated it will hold a rally at Kazlıçeşme Square on May 31 at 4:00 p.m.

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