Flowers Blossom As Snow Melts Away On Top Of Dazzling Kurtik Mountains

- On the Kurtik Mountains aligning in eastern province of Muş, colourful flowers have burst out into blossom, while

- On the Kurtik Mountains aligning in eastern province of Muş, colourful flowers have burst out into blossom, while snow layers have melted away following the scorching-heat hitting 35 degrees.

“Kurtik Mountain, the natural air conditioner of the region, holds both snow and flowers, dazzling people with its heart refreshing scenery. As if Kurtik Mountain illustrates a painting... ” commented one of the locals, Hikmet Özcanlı, on this ravishing natural event.

Locals add that along with its scenery, these colorful flowers have the power to heal people since they often pick them and make tea to to protect themselves from diseases.



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