Hürriyet Columnist Ahmet Hakan Injured In "organized Assault"

- Hürriyet columnist Ahmet Hakan, who has been targeted with politically-motivated threats, has been injured after an assault in front

- Hürriyet columnist Ahmet Hakan, who has been targeted with politically-motivated threats, has been injured after an assault in front of his home.

Four men, arriving with a black Honda at 12.35 a.m. on Oct. 1, attacked Hakan in Istanbul's Nişantaşı neighborhood, as the columnist was returning home after hosting his program on private broadcaster CNNTürk. While one of the assailants targeted Hakan's bodyguard, others attacked Hakan.

After the attack, perpetrators left the scene with the same car, carrying the license plate numbered 34 VY 7765. Police detained three suspects after the attack. Another suspect was detained early Oct. 1.



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