– In southern resort town of Antalya, at a newly installed park, a symbol figure of Gezi Protest "Women in red" has been painted on a transformer recently and the electricity distribution company has intervened and repainted it. However the protesters did not give up and this time erected a plate with the picture of women in red near the same transformer.
In Antalya, the municipality has completed a park under the theme of "Gezi Parkı" referring to the nationwide demonstrations of "Occupy Gezi" which had strike the country and the world.
During the demonstrations women in red, or academic Ceyda Sungur, was photographed by Reuters photographer Osman Örsal, while she was being pepper sprayed by a riot police. The photo has also gone viral across the country on social media, both in the national and international scene, along with the Gezi protests.
One of the replicated posters on a plate was installed in this park on the same transformer, where the recently painted "Women in red" picture was wiped off, with support of municipal officers and the congressmen in Republican People’s Party (CHP) Mehmet Tosun and Cem Kutan.
On the plate, it was also written “hoping that this will not happen again” along with CHP logos.
Mehmet Tosun commented “We would not construct a ‘Gezi Park’ without her” in his statement.
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