– The eggs of loggerhead turtles or “Caretta carettas” along with Chelonia Mydas, species of marine turtles, both under conservation, have begun to hatch in the beaches of southern province of Mersin.
The Sea Turtles Application and Research Center’s Manager Professor Serap Ergene urged people wandering around to be sensitive for sake of these baby caretta carettas, adding that around 530 nests have been found in the area.
“At darkness of night, baby caretta carettas having hatched do advance towards the shine of light of sea horizon, as long as they stay on land. Any sorts of light in the rear of the coast could kill them. Lightings, dogs, particularly people are posing danger for them. If we want to witness this miraculous moment, we should observe from a distance of at least 10 meters, without harming them” said Professor Serap Ergene.
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