Turks Prefer Credıt Cards To Borrow Not Relatıves

- Credit card loan is the most common type of personal debt, other than a money borrowed from family and

- Credit card loan is the most common type of personal debt, other than a money borrowed from family and friends in Turkey, according to the results of the ING International Survey on Savings 2014.

The results of the ING survey, done by IPSOS, showed that 84 percent of the consumers in Turkey would feel embarrassed if they had to borrow money from family or friends than if they had to borrow from the bank, the highest rate in Europe.

"In Turkey, where borrowing from family is more common, there is little difference in attitude based on the source, with survey highs agreeing they would feel embarrassed if they had to borrow from the bank and from loved ones" said in the report.

On the other hand, consumers in Turkey have the highest rate of borrowing via credit cards in Europe wit 53 percent, followed by 37 percent for personal loans, 11 percent overdrawn bank account, according to the survey results.

Of those in Europe with a long term partner, 17 percent disagree with the statement, "My partner knows of every bank or savings account that I have" suggesting they have a secret account. This rises to a high of 28 percent in Turkey and 24 percent in Austria.

Almost one-in-five people in Europe who are married or in a long-term relationship agree they bought something and hidden the expense from their partner in the last year. But it seems much of the hidden spending is found out.

Almost two-in-five – or 38 percent – of people in Europe say they do not have any savings. It is a small rise on last year and reaches a high of 60 percent in Romania. Rises were seen in 10 of 13 countries surveyed. In the survey, savings was defined as money readily available.

Many people have cut the amount of money they are spending in response to economicconditions. When asked which areas were being cut, the top five most commonly cited areas are: Leisure and entertainment, such as going to the cinema or dining out, is the most-commonly cited area in which people in Europe have cut back, given current economic conditions.

Holiday spending is the second most prevalent area in which people in Europe have cut back. It was number one in Austria, Germany, Luxembourg and Romania. This is up one place from third in last year’s report. Clothing and grooming is the third most common area to cut back. It was top in Turkey, and much more common among women in Europe at 50 percent than men at 32 percent.

Housing, such as furnishing and maintenance, is the fourth most common area to cut back on. Food is the fifth most common area to cut back, rising to a high of 34 percent in France. Other spending areas of note outside the top five include mobile phone and internet costs, utility bills, particularly in Germany and Turkey, and transport, with 22 percent in Spain, Italy and Turkey saying they have cut transport costs.

As a general rule of thumb, it maked sense for borrowers to pay their most expensive debt quickly, said in the the survey results, "This might mean having little more than an emergency fund in savings and using any additional money to make extra payments on debts with high interest rates, such as credit cards."

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